Lead Software Engineer and Architect on the FAIRDOM team based in Manchester.
Developing SEEK and RightField.
SEEK ID: https://demo.fairdomhub.org/people/134
United Kingdom
Joined: 12th Dec 2008
Expertise: Software Engineering, Data Management, Software Architecture, Repositories
Tools: Databases, Java, Workflows, Web services, Taverna, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, linux, J2EE
Related items
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SysMO is a European transnational funding and research initiative on "Systems Biology of Microorganisms".
The goal pursued by SysMO is to record and describe the dynamic molecular processes going on in unicellular microorganisms in a comprehensive way and to present these processes in the form of computerized mathematical models.
Systems biology will raise biomedical and biotechnological research to a new quality level and contribute markedly to progress in understanding. Pooling European research ...
Web page: http://sysmo.net/
Silicon cell model for the central carbohydrate metabolism of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus under temperature variation
Programme: SysMO
Public web page: http://sulfosys.com/
Organisms: Sulfolobus solfataricus
This project contains materials for "Model management and result reproducibility" training at Managing Big Data tutorial on 5th of December 2016 in Potsdam.
The course will also explain how to build an effective Data Management strategy, needed if you apply for funds for a project. The target group of this basic course are young scientists. This one day tutorial will give you insights in standard operation procedures (SOPs), experimental design, modelling design and a short introduction in SEEK. ...
Programme: This Project is not associated with a Programme
Public web page: http://sb-sciencemanagement.com/training/training/managing-big-data
The main objectives of SysMO-DB are to: facilitate the web-based exchange of data between research groups within- and inter- consortia, and to provide an integrated platform for the dissemination of the results of the SysMO projects to the scientific community. We aim to devise a progressive and scalable solution to the data management needs of the SysMO initiative, that:
- facilitates and maximises the potential for data exchange between SysMO research groups;
- maximises the ‘shelf life’ and ...
Programme: SysMO
Public web page: http://www.sysmo-db.org/
Organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactic Acid Bacteria
The Assmus model taken from JWS Online at - http://jjj.mib.ac.uk/models/assmus/
The 2nd version has been modified, to demonstrate use of the BiVeS tool for comparison ( https://sems.uni-rostock.de/projects/bives/ )
To view the comparison, you need to be logged in (you can login as guest), and click the button for the version you wish to compare with the current displayed version in the box below...
Creator: Stuart Owen
Submitter: Stuart Owen
Model type: Not specified
Model format: SBML
Environment: JWS Online
Organism: Not specified
Investigations: No Investigations
Studies: No Studies
Assays: No Assays
This model is for a paper that examines whether the in vivo behavior of yeast glycolysis can be understood in terms of the in vitro kinetic properties of the constituent enzymes. In non-growing, anaerobic, compressed Saccharomyces cerevisiae the values of the kinetic parameters of most glycolytic enzymes were determined. For the other enzymes appropriate literature values were collected. By inserting these values into a kinetic model for glycolysis, fluxes and metabolites were calculated. Under ...
Creator: Stuart Owen
Submitter: Stuart Owen
Model type: Not specified
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Investigations: Growth control of the eukaryote cell: a systems...
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Mélanie Courtot, Nick Juty, Christian Knüpfer, Dagmar Waltemath, Anna Zhukova, Andreas Dräger, Michel Dumontier, Andrew Finney, Martin Golebiewski, Janna Hastings, Stefan Hoops, Sarah Keating, Douglas B Kell, Samuel Kerrien, James Lawson, Allyson Lister, James Lu, Rainer Machne, Pedro Mendes, Matthew Pocock, Nicolas Rodriguez, Alice Villeger, Darren J Wilkinson, Sarala Wimalaratne, Camille Laibe, Michael Hucka, Nicolas Le Novère
Date Published: 27th Oct 2011
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 22027554
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: H W Bonner, C A Tate, C K Buffington
Date Published: 5th Dec 1975
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 234
An example of add a presentation hosted from SlideShare.
Creator: Stuart Owen
Submitter: Stuart Owen